A dark roast coffee. Hints of brown sugar and chocolate. Make it cold brew, pour over or French press, this is a versatile blend that will make a rich satisfying cup all day, everyday! This particular lot was grown and processed by an all-women's coffee cooperative in the Huehuetenango (wehweh-tehnango) Highland region in Guatemala. One of the highest growing regions. This is the decaffinated version of our flagship Huehuetenango blend.
About the Cooperative:
Associacion Union de Pequenos Caficultores (UPC) is a cooperative made up of small independtly owned farms, most of which are family owned and operated by predominately indigenous descendants. Within UPC is an exclusive and very active 62-member women's group who cultivate, process, and sell their coffee independently. Coffee is the primary, and in most cases, the only income producing crop from the region.
We strive to source our coffee from sustainable sources, that will provide economic opportunity to caficultores around Guatemala.
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